Shira’s Bat Mitzvah at Carnivale near Downtown Chicago

Today, was a little different paced for me. I had the great honor to photo document Shira’s Bat Mitzvah. I’m told her name means “song” in Hebrew. Anyway, her mom is a cantorial soloist and Shira did a great job herself. Rather than being held in a temple, the ceremony was at Carnivale (BTW, check out their website. It is one of the best I’ve seen in a while). We started upstairs and then we moved into another room for the party. It was truly a unique event and the food was great. If you need a location for a rehearsal dinner (or even a wedding), I would recommend this place!

Exterior photo of Carnivale near Downtown Chicago
From the outside, it does not look too big, but looks are deceiving!

Interior Photograph of Carnivale setup for a Chicago Bat Mitzvah
The religious service was held upstairs. All of the rooms are painted similar to this!

Event Photograph from a Chicago Bat Mitzvah
These were the fried banannas and cheese. Wow, did they taste good!

Event Photograph from a Chicago Bat Mitzvah
Chocolate desert. Do I need to say anything?