Brookfield Zoo with my kids

Even though I have a residential studio and gallery, I enjoy the occasional opportunity to spend time with the kids. Most days I steal a couple of minutes here and there to play with them. But, today, I spent the whole afternoon with my family at the Brookfield Zoo. Despite the overcast skies, it was a beautiful day. It was warm enough to walk around in shorts and a t-shirt. Here are some scenes from our zoo trip.

Personal Photos taken at the Brookfield Zoo
There was one giraffe who I think was playing hide and seek.
Personal Photos taken at the Brookfield Zoo
He didn’t do such a good job.

Personal Photos taken at the Brookfield Zoo
I just like the zebras!

Personal Photograph from Brookfield Zoo
The baby goose under a parents watchful eye.

Personal Photograph from Brookfield Zoo
The wolves look almost like dogs it is hard to remember they are wild animals until…
Personal Photograph from Brookfield Zoo

Now a week from Friday, I’ll be back at the zoo as a chaperone for Meghan’s class field trip.